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Growing up in an age of apocalyptic environmentalism, I became quite ashamed of this thing called being human. I thought we were the scum of the Earth, destroying ourselves like a parasitic cancer. Naturally, I didn't think I belonged here: I thought Life would be better off if I just disappeared. It's been rough (to say the least), destroying my self-worth and my self-esteem. But things started changing when I began to see how humans do belong on Earth with the gifts that we bring. Some might even call us a keystone species as we shape our world into one that's thriving- with our big 'ole brains and neat technologies, we have the power to care for all things. It's a whole new reality for me to recognize that I am, in fact, an essential part of life. What a surprise! Who wudda thunk? School didn't teach how to serve life with my spunk. Nature was a place Out There (I had to drive to see) and food came from the market; I never thought about food growing. Still, always in love with the great outdoors, it's been my favorite place to be (even as I felt outside of it, an onlooker to the scene). I have yearned for belonging (as I have always cared), but I didn't know always how I'm needed here. But thanks to all the nature-nerds (who share with all their hearts), I've been given a chance to finally play my part. In community gardens and food forests, coastal clean-ups and stewardship, I've been included and lovingly taught by all the sweet hearts who care so much: We belong here on this Earth as we give of all this love.
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